0418-106 Fortran (3)
Language features; Input and output; Decisions and loops; Applications; Structured programming; Dynamic data structures; Fortran Syntax.
0418-108 Computers and their Applications (3)
Computer Hardware and Software basics. Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, database systems, electronic communications. System software: DOS and windows. Computer hardware components: binary systems, central processing unit, memory, and input and output. Advanced computer applications.
0418-222 Systems Programming Laboratory (2)
This course is highly programming oriented and contains a series of laboratory projects that gives students the chance to use and combine the subjects covered in the programming courses “Computer Programming I” and “Computer Programming II” as well as the course “Computer Systems”. The projects concentrate on the following topics: basic CPU and memory functions, interfacing of devices, interrupt handling, design, implementation, and test of complex assembly language programs; integration of functions and services of operating systems; interfacing high-level programming language programs and assembly programs.
0418-490 Project (2)
This course is taken by senior students under the guidance of a faculty member. It provides students with opportunities to enhance their skills such as developing formal problem specifications, reviewing research journals, building prototypes, scientific writing, working in teams, interacting with users, and making oral presentations. The registered students have to work out a software project, to submit a project report that is written in a professional way and to provide a presentation in front of the students, who are registered for the project course. The project proposal must find the consent of the course instructor.