Title: Exploring the Human Element in Combating Malicious Software Threats
Malicious software or malware is a serious cybersecurity threat, and the
research community has explored it extensively for almost three decades.
Since it is believed that people are often the weak link in cybersecurity,
exploring malware attacks and defenses in the human context can provide new
insights into how the threat posed by malware can be addressed. This talk
will focus on two questions related to the human element concerning malware.
First, We will discuss the tactics of social engineering attacks launched
with malware to gain people’s attention and lure them into downloading
malicious software. On the defense side, we explore malware analyst workflows
and how malware is analyzed in practice. The insights gained from this
research help develop better defenses and highlight gaps in challenges faced
by practitioners and those addressed by academic research.
Date and Time: 14 May 2024 at 12:30 PM
Location: Science Auditorium II
Presenter: Prof. Mustaque Ahamad of Georgia Tech