Bader Albader

Bader Albader
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Kuwait University
College of Science
Computer Science Department,
P.O. Box 5969
Safat -13060

Ph.D. in Computer Science
Oregon State University, USA2009
M.S. in Computer Science
Oregon State University, USA2006
B.S. in Computer Science
Kuwait University, Kuwait2000
Interests and Research:
  • Error Control Codes
  • Fault-tolerant Computing
  • Parallel Processing
  • Computer Networks

[1] Bader Albader, Bella Bose. Edge Disjoint Hamiltonian Cycles in Gaussian Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 65(1): 315-321 (2016)

[2] Bader Albader, Bella Bose, Mary Flahive. Efficient Communication Algorithms in Hexagonal Mesh Interconnection Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 23(1): 69-77 (2012)